His eldest child was conceived out of wedlock. In recent decades, he has parlayed the donations of his TV viewers into a nine-figure personal fortune. He has deviously (and successfully) folded a corporatist and Cold Warrior agenda into a telegenic brand of That Old-Time Religion, giving odious political views the gravitas of Holy Writ. He's quite possibly a liar and a cheat, but keep in mind that many Old Testament heroes were equally flawed.

Pat Robertson was born Marion Gordon Robertson in Lexington, VA on March 22, 1930. Born to A. Willis Robertson and Gladys Churchill Robertson, Pat was raised in a home that knew political power. Robertson's father was a representative to the U.S. Congress for 34 years, serving in both houses.

A graduate of Washington & Lee University, Robertson served in the Marine Corps Reserves and served in Korea. He graduated from Yale Law School with a juris doctor degree and received a master of divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary. Robertson was also ordained as a minister in the Southern Baptist church, but has since renounced his ordination.

Robertson has established the Christian Broadcasting Network or CBN, and is the star of the 700 Club, a Christian television show. The 700 Club combines the formats of news, talk shows, and religious programming, all with a unique slant. Roberston has also formed a number of other organizations, including the American Center for Law and Justice and Regent University. Robertson is an author and has run for the presidency of the United States on a platform of conservative policies.

Robertson is married and has four children and thirteen grandchildren.

Biographical Information culled from the CBN website.

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