Pat Robertson was born Marion Gordon Robertson in Lexington, VA on March 22, 1930. Born to A. Willis Robertson and Gladys Churchill Robertson, Pat was raised in a home that knew political power. Robertson's father was a representative to the U.S. Congress for 34 years, serving in both houses.

A graduate of Washington & Lee University, Robertson served in the Marine Corps Reserves and served in Korea. He graduated from Yale Law School with a juris doctor degree and received a master of divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary. Robertson was also ordained as a minister in the Southern Baptist church, but has since renounced his ordination.

Robertson has established the Christian Broadcasting Network or CBN, and is the star of the 700 Club, a Christian television show. The 700 Club combines the formats of news, talk shows, and religious programming, all with a unique slant. Roberston has also formed a number of other organizations, including the American Center for Law and Justice and Regent University. Robertson is an author and has run for the presidency of the United States on a platform of conservative policies.

Robertson is married and has four children and thirteen grandchildren.

Biographical Information culled from the CBN website.