At some point, many years ago now, I decided I would use my User Bookmarks purely as a place to collect political writing that I liked here on E2. There's a lot of it! I think the time has come to clean it up, but I didn't want to just chuck the list out, and I couldn't really think of anything much else to do with it but daylog it. I should warn you, before you go on, that I take a broad view of what is political. There is, in general, no separating politics from the rest of the fabric of life, and it often infuriates me that people even try.
With that said, and the further proviso that this has barely been edited at all, here you are - Oolong's Everything2 Political Anthology. I hope you enjoy it.
- Bill of Rights
- Civil Disobedience
- Noam Chomsky
- Bread and Circuses
- Reefer Madness
- National Health Service
- Amnesty International
- Gulf War
- War On Some Drugs
- Tibet
- Freedom of speech
- Billy Bragg
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Rupert Murdoch
- imperialism
- Defense of Marriage Act
- Whole Earth Catalog
- Zapatista
- Collateral damage
- The Communist Manifesto
- obesity
- factory farm
- New Labour
- US Policy on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Paris Commune
- Menwith Hill
- Don't Vote!
- World Trade Organization
- House Un-American Activities Committee
- Externality
- Nestlé
- Plutocracy
- Einstein: Why Socialism?
- A People's History of the United States
- Agent Orange
- Activism
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (idea)
- Reclaim The Streets, London May 1st 2000
- Luke 10
- The world would be in much better shape if our leaders were hamsters
- Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression (idea)
- International Monetary Fund
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill (UK)
- Jeb Bush
- The difference between resistance and terrorism
- Bag of Bones
- Zapatista (thing)
- Subcomandante Marcos
- poll tax
- project censored
- McLibel
- Outside it's America
- Kyoto protocol
- May '68 graffiti
- Your vote doesn't matter anyway, so you might as well vote 3rd party
- Tricks of the Propagandist (idea)
- Direct action
- Geneva Convention
- hemp industry (thing)
- Atlantic Republic (idea)
- I don't like the drugs
- If the IRA are "terrorists," so were the French Resistance against the Nazis (idea)
- l'Anti-Noël Avant le Temps
- right of return
- Third World Debt
- Mark Thomas
- Emiliano Zapata
- Diminishing Freedom in America
- Hunger in India -- Globalization and Poverty
- Green Revolution
- Work for Peace
- sustainable development
- The Gulf War II betting pool
- anti-globalization
- Manic Street Preachers in Cuba (thing)
- Fast Food Nation
- Henry Kissinger (person)
- A Perfect Day for Bananafish
- Tony Benn
- Participatory Economics
- Capitalism is not freedom
- the first casualty when war comes is the truth
- Feeding the Masses: The Dangers of an Unquestioned Media
- government-granted monopoly
- Children are the first victims of war
- How to Deal with Tear Gas
- alternative news
- International Criminal Court
- Peasants' Revolt
- The changing positions of British political parties
- Ways people avoid confronting political reality
- TV Nation
- Reasons to Oppose the World Trade Organization
- Reasons to Oppose the World Trade Organization (idea)
- Sixteen Years
- The Velvet Revolution
- Naomi Klein
- Ya Basta
- Undercurrents
- the truth about Chiquita bananas (thing)
- liberal elite
- How to fight Globalization
- Testify (thing)
- Fighting terrorism with terrorism
- Operation Infinite Reach
- Dodging the draft
- September 11, 2001 - III (place)
- Pharmaceutical Patents (thing)
- Stupid White Men and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation
- neo-Laffer curve (idea)
- Unsafe humanitarian aid (thing)
- Moral Agency in a Propaganda System
- George W. Bush's 2002 State of the Union Address
- Civilian casualties in Afghanistan
- Axis of Evil
- yufu
- War and the United States of America
- 9-11
- Traidcraft (thing)
- International Women's Day
- March 11, 2002 (idea)
- This is What Democracy Looks Like (thing)
- American imperialist adventures
- Americans: Terrorist bullies? (idea)
- role of media in policy making
- S11 (thing)
- Us vs. Them
- The Internationale
- Israel and the Security Council
- Bowling for Columbine
- decriminalisation of cannabis
- September 11th Trading Cards
- Communist Party, USA
- Everything, Kansas: A Manifesto (place)
- Johnny Got His Gun (thing)
- The rise of the far right in Europe
- June 9, 2002 (person)
- You're either with us or you're against us
- The US Embargo on Cuba
- Labor theory of value (idea)
- Cycle of poverty
- What the media sell
- A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority
- Yanqui Imperialism
- demarchy
- September 11, 1973
- How to make war
- Not In Our Name
- autonomous community
- Taoism and Zennism
- the four basic food groups (idea)
- Copyright extension (idea)
- Job creation
- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (thing)
- Eldred v. Ashcroft
- Redistribution of wealth (idea)
- pacifism (idea)
- Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan: Statement on the Anniversary of the September 11 Tragedy (idea)
- September 13, 2002 (idea)
- George W. Bush's address to the UN General Assembly: September 12, 2002 (idea)
- War on Iraq 2002 (idea)
- September 19, 2002 (idea)
- Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction - The Assessment of the British Government
- Peace One Day
- Forced patriotism (idea)
- TV Nation (thing)
- Somebody Blew Up America (idea)
- L'Antiaméricainisme en France (idea)
- Press Freedom Index (thing)
- Naomi Klein (person)
- How to become mayor of an English town
- People are basically stupid
- Deep Ecology (idea)
- Nonaligned Movement
- Liberation Theology (idea)
- National Endowment for Democracy
- The Detroit Project
- How the Bush hydrogen fuel cell idea probably happened (idea)
- The Couple, or so, Commandments (idea)
- Declaration on Iraq by Russia, Germany and France
- Cold War in the Middle East
- The United States should go to war with everyone
- Freedom fries
- Iraqi claims on Kuwait (idea)
- Mental health law (idea)
- Shock and awe bombardment
- March 17, 2003
- Crisis of democracy (idea)
- Robin Cook (person)
- embedded journalist
- The Pot and Kettle War (thing)
- Boycott Brand America
- Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
- Jonathan Ben-Artzi (person)
- Anti-Rent Party
- We stand for peace and justice (idea)
- Muhammad Yunus (person)
- Giant Squid Party Platform (idea)
- Project for the New American Century (thing)
- Love your enemies
- The Six Day War, Background
- Israel/Palestine: Hopes for Peace
- Attack Syria! (idea)
- Renouncing U.S. citizenship
- Peace Somewhere
- May Day protests (thing)
- Scottish Parliament Elections 2003
- Ways to overthrow a government
- Down with this sort of thing!
- American Wars
- Hindutva
- The War against Terrorism is about power (idea)
- Coca Cola in Kerala
- Colin Powell's February 2001 statements on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
- Neoliberalism (idea)
- Vote Giant Squid 2004
- neoconservative (idea)