The only TIE fighter that actually is comperable to an X-Wing. They were produced in limited numbers by the Battle of Endor, which was a good thing for the rebel alliance, otherwise the war might have turned differently.

A post movie Star Wars invention. An imperial starfighter that was faster, better armed, more maneuverable, and well shielded, as well as equipped with a hyperdrive. Introduced in the LucasArts game TIE Fighter, the TIE Defender is the ultimate in starfighter technology.

Class: Starfighter

Model:                 SFS TIE/de Advanced All-Purpose Fighter
Crew:                  One pilot
Weaponry:              Four SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons,
                      >Two SFS M-g-2 Warhead Launchers,
                      >Two Borstel TS-3 Ion Cannons
Propulsion System:     SFS P-sz9.7 Twin Ion Engines
Speed Rating (MGLT):   155+ (Manuverability 150 DPF)
Power Generator:       SFS I-s3a Solar Ionization Reactor
Flight Control System: SFS F-s5x Flight Avionics System
Navigation System:     SFS N-s6 Navcon Computer System
Hyperdrive:            SFS ND9 Class One Hyperdrive Activator Unit
Shielding:             200 SBD Forward/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields

The TIE Defender is arguably the most advanced regular starfighter in the Imperial Navy. It packs a serious punch with its 4 L-s9.3 laser cannons, 2 TS-3 Ion Cannons and 2 general purpose warhead launchers. The ion cannons have proven to be a good affiliate as it is used to disable ships for eventual boarding or imprisonment.In addition it employs a class one hyperdrive and spectral shielding.

Although its firepower and features are not lacking anything, the price of it certainly could. One TIE Defender is priced at approximately 300000 credits and thus five times as expensive as an ordinary TIE Fighter, however lasting. There has been great discussion about the production of the TIE Defender as it supposedly has an aft blind spot due to the wing placement, which makes it very vulnerable at certain points.

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There's not much known about the origin of the TIE Defender apart from its design, which was a combination of the TIE Advanced and the TIE Interceptor. The TIE Interceptors wings were used to improve airspeed and the notorious set of extra wings were added for apparently no other reason than to put it visually apart from the others. The TIE Defender was used in the Battle of Endor to defeat the traitor Admiral Zaarin. It was used in a variety of missions, but after that it's very likely that it is used in high risk and classified missions and operations.

The lasers and ion cannons are mounted in the tip of each of the six wings.

Sources: misc starwars sites, including the official. part of

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