Vocals: Greg Graffin
Guitar: Brian Baker
Guitar: Greg Hetson
Bass: Jay Bentley
Drums: Bobby Schayer
Produced by: Todd Rundgren
Mixed By: David Boucher
Running Time: 40:19
Well this album certainly is different. Some fans of the band were disappointed with this one, which leads me to question if they were fans at all – Bad Religion is by no means just a fast punk group. Without a doubt this album is comprised of the most melodic, most powerful songs and harmonies yet; the band have outdone themselves. All songs present complement each other perfectly, not a single one seems out of place, they all contribute to the feeling; which is what Bad Religion do best.
The guitars leave nothing to the imagination; they are precise and yet flamboyant, grinding and emotional. The harmonies, a feature which sets Bad Religion apart from most ‘normal’ punk bands, are in abundance, never ceasing to amaze. The lyrics are compelling and meaningful; as always, but there is a little something present in There Will Be a Way that makes it the apex of the album.
And there’s sure to be bumps and distractions
But I know we'll get through
There will be me, there will be you
There will be a way
The first 3 tracks focus on a metaphor of light at the end of a tunnel, as is reflected in their names. It is like an introduction to what makes this the best Bad Religion album by far. Poetic and melodic, they will charm their way into your list of favourite songs. Its music that can take you by surprise, have you wondering “Is this really a punk band I’m listening to?”
This album shows progression. It is more melodic than the previous one, No Substance, and has more light-hearted songs such as ‘Believe It’, which generally lift the tone. The songs on The New America do not depreciate with age, they do not take any ‘getting used to’ as I found with Stranger Than Fiction, they gripped me instantly and to this day have never let me go. I think that one of the reasons for this was the fact that there were no songs written by Brett Gurewitz, whilst his songs are by no means poor quality, they certainly take a lot of getting used to.
The New America has something for everyone. It has the fast, melodic style that has made Bad Religion popular with all punk-lovers; it has the slower, more somber songs that keep them from being a specialist band, both mixed together to bring about an Epiphany in music.
The New America – Melodic, Poetic, Inspirational.
Sources: The New America CD, extensive listening to.