- Our music, in place of breadcrumbs, is there to help us find our way back home
- there is a place where the dead live. it is in us. it is all around us. it is more than we can understand.
- Our music, in place of breadcrumbs, is there to help us find our way back home.
- Notes on ruining the beauty of barren places by being there
- Reality creeps through the cracks of broken places and broken thoughts and asks us: What Will You Do?
- We don't want this place. This is not us.
- For every delayed technology there is a sudden, completely unexpected advance that jumps at us from the shadows
- There is some place I need to be
- There is a place between floating aimlessly with your head in the clouds and just scraping by in the mud-realm of men and commerce.
- There is no place in suburbia for beauty
- The place where there is no darkness
- there's a time and place for mercy
- there is a dead woman who lives beside us
- There are words. When new ideas confront us, we create new words. We forget that there are no words.
- Deliver me from a place where there are no scars.
- There's still a place for the odd concentration camp
- certain wisdoms about a place can only come from dying there
- There are places in this world where mundane, forgotten things have learned to weave their own magic
- haiku are nice until there are too many in one place
- There's a special place in my heart for old suitcases
- There's a time and a place
- There is infinite hope, but not for us
- you have ghosts. where are they? are they so deep that the light cannot reach them? is there any such place?
- There Is No Love Between Us Anymore
- There are some masks we put on ourselves, and others are put on us.
- But there are NUNS watching us!
- the future is a fascinating place, for we never arrive there
- There is despair, Mr. President, in faces you don't see, in the places you don't visit in your shining city
- there is no weight that can bury us beneath the ghost of all my guilt
- there are others like us
- There's a place in France
- place
- Trading Places
- he wants us to be free
- first place
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