The date has passed, and many noders have stumbled home in exhaustion. Those who attended were many:
Altusmens, avalyn, Pint, cbustapeck, Scribe, Ysardo, Ch'i-Lin, Wiccanpiper, eien_meru, LaggedyAnne, izubachi, Hyphenated, Chris-O, LadySun, Walter, Julie, Chris, redbaker, Gorgonzola, ameriwire. Also, mkb tried to come, but in the end was just too far away. Wertperch called.
Incidentally, several things of greater and lesser value were forgotten at my house. If you're missing something, let me know!
The date is set. Most of the recipes are tried and true. The party is really going to happen.
I've been talking about having this party for almost 2 years. Some of you know it well. It's the Lord of the Rings food and movie party. The intent is to watch the entirety of Peter Jackson's LotR films in all their extended edition glory. This adds up to 11 hours and 12 minutes of film. Clearly, this will require 2 days and a lot of food and drink. I will provide the films, the food, some of the drink, and lots and lots of crash space. I'm inviting you all to come and provide the bonhomie.
When: January 15-16, 2005. The nodermeet will officially start on Saturday at 1pm with the first film beginning at 2pm (subject to flexibility depending upon the group).
Where: yclept's humble abode in Stanton, New Jersey.
How: msg or email me (please put "nodermeet" in the subject line of any emails), and I'll add you to the list, put you in the planning loop, and answer questions/distribute directions. When RSVPing, please let me know if you have dietary restrictions or other health things that I should keep in mind. Deadly food allergies or aversions, keeping kosher or vegetarian, etc. If vegetarian, please specify type. I'd like to make sure everyone survives the weekend.
The Plan:
The party will officially start at 1pm, which gives everyone a time to shoot for. We have to have some structure, or the movies will never get watched in their entirety!
I've been too broke to buy a massive tv, but the existing tv is not small. The room it's in is pleasant, carpeted, and has a fire place. I fully intend on using the fire place extensively (you may all be asked to move firewood).
I will be cooking for the entire week leading up to the party. On the day of, my dining room table will be extended have all it's leaves in place, and it will be covered with a buffet of as many of the relevant foodstuffs as possible. I'm planning on making a tablecloth with the map of Middle-Earth and then placing the foodstuffs in a progression that matches the journeys.
We'll watch the movies, eat, talk, laugh, and probably doze off periodically. I propose a half hour to one hour break between discs. If we need non-film entertainment that is still in theme, I have LotR Risk, Monopoly, and chess. If the weather is nice, we can take walks and otherwise take breaks out in nature. I fully expect that we will be collapsed all over the house by the end of the weekend.
Please note, I live with my highly entertaining parents (they will be out of town for the duration) and many many cats. If your lungs close up around cats, mold, or pollen, bring an inhaler, because this house will set off your allergies. Also, please note, this is not a costume party or any other manifestation of crazed fandom. At least, not a lot. This is about coming together and celebrating the achievement of the films, as well as our love of the source material. I welcome purist whining as well as fangirly sighing and fully intend to participate in both, as long as everyone understands that there's a place for both, and it's all fun and games.
I am also planning to hold a drawing for assorted useless and useful things with small to little/no value. The plan is that everyone goes home with something. Things currently on the list: a wrist ball holder for ambulatory knitting, made by Lacis;
a 2.5 gallon glass fish tank with lid (used);
a $0.25 container of sparkly slime; some sprouts from my Mexican Hat Plant; a cutting from my Epiphyllum Oxypetalum; a scarf knit in a pattern of falling leaves with the gorgeous gold/grey/green wool/silk blend I have;
an 8oz. jar of homemade preserves, probably strawberry; a set of Royal Mail postcards reproducing the 12 stamp images they have based on Tolkien's original drawings; empty, yet still cool Chinese wine bottles; some split stitch markers, etc.
I also intend on holding the drawing for the Wrap Up In Noder Love: An E2 Craft Project and Fundraiser afghan on Sunday, the 16th.
- Please bring:
- - yourself
- a blanket or sleeping bag, and any anything else that would make sleeping on the floor more comfortable. Because most folks will be sleeping on the floor. I've got 2 spare futons, and that just won't be enough.
- beverages if you feel the need to bring something. I'm going to be providing a some wine, beer, and non-alcoholic stuff, but not much as I've got so much to buy food-wise.
- an overnight bag such as it is. There is a slight chance that we could be snowed in, and need to dig ourselves out. Please dress appropriately, and keep this in mind!
- layers which goes back to dressing appropriately. My house is a bit drafty and has cold spots. Please dress warmly.
- your appetite because there will be a lot of food, and only me to eat up the leftovers....
In case of snow:
February is the worst when it comes to snow, but the chance remains that the house can be snowed in. If I have to, I will call a snow plow to clear the driveway before the party. If it happens during the party, I'm afraid that we may need to all pull together and dig out ourselves as many cars would make it difficult for the plow to do its work. That said, if the snow isn't too bad, there are lots of places to park (including on the lawn) at the top of the driveway. If your car cannot handle a slippery slope, let me know and we'll figure out a spot near the bottom of the hill to park. No matter what this party is going to happen. If you are coming from out of town, please try and come in early, to account for possible delays. I'm more than happy to host people for several days.
I'd love to come, but I live far away and would need a place to stay. If you need a place to stay for more than the nights of the 15th/16th, you can certainly be accommodated. We have 2 spare futons, and lots of spare floor (please bring bedding for the floor).
I'd love to come, but I live far away and don't have transportation. Hm, this one is harder. All I can say is, let me know you're interested and maybe someone else in your area will be coming too. Otherwise, we can figure out rides from the local train station even though it's not the most convenient train line, especially on weekends. NJ Transit, Raritan Valley Line (commuter train, stop: Raritan). I'm also happy to pick people up from/drop people off at Newark International Airport or Newark Penn Station as long as it's not close to the time of the party (ideally, the days before/after and not on). Both are about an hour from my house. If lots of people are going to come this way, I'd like to try and coordinate as few carloads as possible, so keep me posted!
- The Menu:
mulled cider, mulled wine
assorted fruit, fresh and dried
assorted cheeses
fruit tarts
butter, jam, honey
cured ham
tomatoes, slow roasted with garlic.
green herbs and crudités: Mesclun, assorted pungent greens, carrots, cukes, etc.
rabbit stew w/herbs, carrots, onions, potatoes, turnips, stock (based on Sam's wishes while in Ithilien).
cold roast beef and
chicken turkey. -
hot soup of some sort
spectacle foods
- The Fans: 20 confirmed::14 hopeful
yclept (host)
Pint (via train)
Swap (too far away, *sniffle*)-
Walter (via train)
cbustapeck and Scribe (B - arriving Friday pm, bringing wine)
eien_meru (A - arriving late Friday pm)
momomom (alas, a previous engagement has surfaced) -
Julie, Christy, Chris (+4?)
Altusmens (arriving EWR 3:08pm Friday, 1/14)
Pallando Blue, Heretic, elanor (hopeful)
Ysardo and Ch'i-Lin (B - arriving Friday pm, gettin' the beer and non-alchy)(may have room for 1 more in the vehicular transport)
Nora and Norbi (alas, work intrudes)-
Hyphenated (perhaps +Christian, bringing sashimi and guacamole for the Midgewater swamp)
redbaker (driving in Sat am)
Wiccanpiper (A - arriving late Friday pm, bringing Everything Pancake & Waffle Mix; "Preferred by More Everythingians in National Taste Tests!")
allseeingeye (can't get the days, *sniffle*) -
LaggedyAnne (A -arriving late Friday pm, futon dibs!)
Chiisuta and Mr. Hotel (no can do, alas)
Scriblerus (sick, alas!)
smartalix (also sick, alas!)
Augustine (shan't be in the vicinty, unfortunately)-
Chris-O and LadySun
feetlips (can't make it)-
avalyn (arriving EWR 4:13pm Friday, 1/14)
ameriwire (hopeful)
izubachi (A - arriving late Friday pm)
eliserh (hopeful, perhaps B)
The Big See (other obligations)-
mkb (considering it....)
Wiccanpiper and avalyn remind me that pipeweed isn't on the list! Wiccanpiper says he's bringing enough 1Q to share, and I generally am fine with pipes in the otherwise non-smoking house, so consider bringing along a pipe! Note, I'm talking tobacco. MJ isn't something I personally object to, but it's also not something I partake of or am planning for.