Time Details
2025-02-23 21:09:31 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'RIP for longtime noder Servo5678.'
2025-02-19 17:15:11 raincomplex changed room topic to '200 OK (:'
2025-02-18 18:24:08 raincomplex changed room topic to '504 Gateway Time-out'
2025-02-01 02:28:49 andycyca changed room topic to 'A reminder that Brevity Quest 2025 in fact begins Saturday, 1 February'
2025-01-31 20:03:32 wertperch changed outside topic to 'A reminder hat Brevity Quest 2025 in fact begins Saturday, 1 February.'
2025-01-31 19:28:12 wertperch changed outside topic to 'A reminder that Brevity Quest 2025 begins on Sunday.'
2025-01-16 03:46:17 nuggets changed room topic to 'A Late R.I.P. to Oreo the Raccoon, aged 10. April 13, 2009 - February 7, 2019. pbuh.'
2024-12-25 07:38:11 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Light a candle for weroland and fling him a Vulcan salute.'
2024-12-23 16:34:16 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Light a candle for weroland.'
2024-11-27 00:20:53 Auspice changed room topic to 'aleha ha-shalom, The Debutante. Memorial donations to Injured Jockeys Fund.'
2024-11-26 15:17:45 Auspice changed room topic to 'aleha ha-shalom, The Debutante'
2024-11-02 16:16:03 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'RISE FOR THE REIGN OF IRON!'
2024-10-28 23:16:20 weroland changed room topic to 'The 2024 Halloween Horrorquest is now in session! Happy horrors to all, and let the nightmares begin! (Time is running out!)'
2024-10-01 00:17:12 weroland changed room topic to ' The 2024 Halloween Horrorquest is now in session! Happy horrors to all, and let the nightmares begin!'
2024-09-16 20:23:56 weroland changed room topic to 'By the by, the last quest is over and the next quest is nigh!'
2024-09-16 20:20:39 weroland changed room topic to 'The last quest is over and the next quest is nigh!'
2024-08-01 22:58:52 wertperch changed outside topic to 'In short, there's a new Brevity Quest. Come and join in the fun.'
2024-07-31 18:26:30 wertperch changed outside topic to 'There is, of course a Quest going on.'
2024-07-21 00:34:52 weroland changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. ( Side Quest 2024 has ended. Results here.)'
2024-07-16 02:30:47 weroland changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. (And on the side, a grace period has been enacted.)'
2024-07-10 01:34:46 weroland changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, there's now less than a week to support the quest!'
2024-07-10 01:32:33 weroland changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, there's now less than a week to support the quest!'
2024-07-04 17:46:03 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, there's still at least a week to support the quest!'
2024-06-21 16:28:13 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, there's a new quest!'
2024-06-21 14:18:16 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, a new quest!'
2024-03-30 15:08:39 Auspice changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer.'
2024-03-08 15:43:44 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Must mean that it's time to prepare for...LieQuest 2024!'
2024-03-05 18:16:09 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March2, 2024. Must mean that it's time to prepare for...LieQuest 2024!'
2024-03-02 23:15:25 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Thank you, everybody! (p.s. I hear tall tales of another quest just over the horizon...)'
2024-03-02 22:09:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Thank you, everybody!'
2024-03-01 00:02:46 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has come to a close! We thank you and ask for a moment to distribute bounties and recognitions.'
2024-02-29 00:12:15 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than 24 hours to go! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on something!'
2024-02-24 17:22:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than a week left! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on something!'
2024-02-24 17:20:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than a week left! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on somethjing…'
2024-02-14 02:03:45 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is live! Come and join us! I'm certain you have 300 words on somethjing…'
2024-02-09 14:39:18 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest starts soon! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-09 13:16:36 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest starts soon! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-08 00:03:32 weroland changed room topic to '7 days until Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-05 21:56:13 weroland changed room topic to 'Prepare for the first Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2024-02-04 02:50:00 weroland changed room topic to 'Prepare for the first Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-03 20:08:54 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! 
Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-01 14:48:58 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test test'
2023-12-01 14:48:14 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test …test'
2023-12-01 14:47:54 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'text test'
2023-12-01 14:47:20 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test …test'
2023-12-01 14:46:20 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test 
2023-12-01 14:18:11 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the Iron Nodes from December! 
Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-01 14:16:12 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the Iron Nodes from December! \n Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-11-15 04:56:28 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. \\ The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:04:29 Auspice changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. \\ The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
