A company that produces video games in the Homestar Runner universe. What sets Videlectrix apart from other video game companies is that rather than blow its entire budget on special effects and elaborate cut scenes, its resources are devoted to gameplay. As a result, its best graphics are reminiscent of old-school Nintendo games.
Videlectrix has apparently existed since before 1980, as this is the copyright date listed in its game Hallrunner.
Videlectrix is famous for its logo, which consists of a large beveled blue V with red and green sections at its top, followed by the rest of the title in smaller outlined letters. It's usually accompanied by a silhoutted figure who is knocked over by part of the title screen, who then flashes a "thumbs-up" or "O-K" sign with his hand, letting you know that the game you're about to play is going to be all right.
The company has also apparently been in the business of selling media, as the album Strong Bad Sings and other type hits is distributed on a "Videlectrix Media" brand CD-R (total disc space: 70 jg).
Videlectrix's known titles, and systems that they're known to have been released in:
More information can be found at http://www.videlectrix.com, and several of its games may be played at http://www.homestarrunner.com.