shamelessly stolen from a large number of SCA sites around the 'net
(yes, ones that permit reposting -_- i'm allowed *one* useless node like this, dammit)



You're at work, a salesman calls on the phone to sell you some lab equipment, and you respond with "Good morning, Your Majesty!" - because you recognize his voice. And then _he_ says "Good morning, Your Excellency!" because he recognized yours.
It happened to our Baroness.


Your son wants to take wood shop so he can make _toys_...
Your son wants to take Home Ec. so he can run a feast kitchen...
Your son's classmates see what he's making in metal shop and stop hassling him about wood shop and Home Ec.


Your wife asks you, "Do you want me to buy you some black tights for the wedding we're going to this weekend?" AND YOU SAY YES.


You and your partner are all set to set up your new law firm, but after consideration, you both agree, "Better if we wait until AFTER Pennsic!"


You are checking your luggage in at the airline counter, and the Sky Cap grabs your duffle bag, grunts when he realizes how heavy it is, and asks jokingly "What's in here, Armor?" ...
.. and furthermore is not surprised when you answer "yes".


the local school asks for proof of residency to register your daughter for kindergarten and the first thing you grab is your Kingdom newsletter (they accepted it, too!)


an electrical fire starts but doesn't stand a chance of igniting anything else in your living room because it is behind your husband's aircraft-aluminum shield blank. And your first thought is "Good thing that shield kept the house from burning down... how would we replace all our garb and feast gear and heraldry books and...."


You break a mirror while in the bathroom in bare feet and think:
1)Oops seven years of bad luck
2)Humm these small bits would be great to embroider into some late arab garb
Later, after picking up the right sized bits you consider the possibility of cutting your feet on the glass.


You're talking to someone and they ask a simple question that confuses you.. "Are you a fan of Prince?"
And you ask in return, "Which one, most I have met are nice guys..."and realise they are talking about some modern musician.


You pick a bushel of black walnuts, throw away the meats and use the hulls to dye clothing.


When one of your 5th grade Language Arts students asks you for the definintion of the word "Duke" and you reply without thinking, "That's a guy who's been King twice." (Imagine the confused look I got in response to that!)


You go to the bookstore looking for light reading and the cashier feels sorry for you because "it looks like your rotten lit. teacher is trying to ruin your weekend" because you're holding the Decammaron, Canterbury Tales and Seven Viking Romances


you get attacked by an angry feminist for accidentally forgetting that you weren't on site when you called your husband "My Lord".


It happened at last. Today, in the mail, I got my first chunk of plastic addressed to my personna. Now Zingaro the Gypsy has a credit line! Look out, gaje!


The College Housing Catalog has a line that says, "Students are not permitted to keep pets, weapons, mace..." and think, "Gee, aren't maces covered under weapons...?"


the gynecologist asks "When is your period?", and you answer "Early 14th century".


you get investigated by Children's Protective Services for "cross-dressing" your little boy...
and you call your Baroness to get you out of it...
and it works.


you have to remind yourself not to call that tourist in the checkered golf pants "Sir" just because he's wearing a white belt.


your immediate family consists of only two rather small, thin people, but you justify your purchase of a full-sized van/pickup truck saying "We'll need the extra space for events!"


people ask how your weekend was, and you can seriously reply "Not so good. I was assasinated 3 diffrent times!"


you can (and/or) have used the excuse about leaving your wallet in your other tunic.


people have threatened to tape your mouth shut when you watch a medieval movie, because you won't shut up about how the lack of proper period garb is ruining the movie.


You're walking into the local convenience store in full garb, (yes, all my toys :), purchase a few things, and on your way out you see 2 police cars whip into the parking lot, and seconds later you open the door and hold it for the officers as they rush in to nab the shoplifter...only to have the female officer dip a fast curtsey and a "thank you m'lord" on her way in the door...


Someone threatens to hit you with a stick and you get an odd smile on your face, and tell them your friends do all the time


Your hardware store knows you as a frequent, and female, customer, but is still entirely unsure as to what you're doing with the stuff, and is afraid to ask


the cafeteria runs out of forks, but it's no big deal because you're used to eating without one--forks aren't period for your persona anyway!


you're a burly guy who looks like a Hell's Angel, but you do embroidery in public


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