archaic grandiloquism for
magic. Derived from
aeaeae artes; the
magic arts. The only six-letter
word that contains only
vowels that I know of. This is thus derived from Aeaeae, a
surname of the
legendary Circe and the name of a small island off the coast of
Italy, which is
said to have been her place of
abode. Useful for
unscrupulous players of
parlor word games and other such
people that actually
have copious free time.
For those
confused as to how to
pronounce the damn word, usage of
Latin pronunciation rules are
preferred ( only because I am a
self-righteous bastard who happens to like
Latin ). Thus, it is 'eye-eye-eye'. However, such a
pronunciation will probably greatly
confuse the listener. In that case, just use the word
magic, you friggin
stuck-up twit.