Jumbled words like the ones in the
title of this
node often show up in
search engine results for
porn sites. These are usually
meta tags
which are supposed to be
keywords describing what the page is about, so
search engines pay extra attention to them, as they also do for words that
appear in the
title field of the page and in the
domain name for the
However, porn sites often throw in lots and lots of keywords, mostly
at least somehow porn-related, in an attempt to draw more people to
their site through search engines. Likewise, they repeat keywords,
because some search engines will rate a page higher if the search terms
show up more times.
Besides the keywords, sites that want to abuse the search engines have
other ways of doing so. One is to put the words they want searched into
the page for a frameset (the users will not see them, because the frameset
only defines the sizes and arrangement of frames on a page and the
pages to load into the frames, if their browsers support frames). Another
is to hide them inside scripts or divisions that are not displayed.
A really dirty trick is to serve the search engines' spiders different
pages than they serve the rest of the world. Altavista was hit by this
really bad a couple years ago, when about 10 sites in the .cx domain
submitted hundreds of thousands of pages with hundreds of miscellaneous
words and phrases each, so that almost any search, even one for multiple
words, found some of their pages; anybody else going there was redirected
to a porn site.
A good search engine would have a heuristic to decide when a web page
was trying to be manipulative with keywords, say, if there were more
than 20 of them, and ignore all of them for that page.