A suggestion that has cropped up a few times
is that
slashdot should recognise square brackets
hard links to e2. This would certainly encourage
/. users to take advantage of this beautiful
resource that we have here.
This PHP function is the one I use on ascorbic.net, and I use a variant that also adds title attributes in the E2 Chatterbox Archive. Pass it your text with hard links and pipe links, and it will return it with HTML links to the E2 node. Enjoy.
function everythingize($source)
$r="'<a href=\'http://everything2.com/?node='.urlencode('$1').'\'>$2</a>'";
$source= preg_replace($pat,$r,$source);
$r="'<a href=\'http://everything2.com/?node='.urlencode('$1').'\'>$1</a>'";
return preg_replace($pat,$r,$source);