I'm currently studying Physics at Imperial College, London. However I’m an ENFJ which means deep down I’m not meant to be a Scientist. So any ideas are welcome.
- Many hugs to potus, Hugo Rune, dizzy, fondue also hugs to spiregrain who introduced me to E2.
- Others I love reading, graceness, heyoka, Iain, Gritchka, Demeter.
My GTKY questions are from PS magazine which comes out every Friday with the Evening Standard newspaper.
Where do you live and why?
In student house in London.
However I’m originally from Cardiff, Wales. London, 2hrs on the train from Cardiff, is far enough for me not to be on my parents’ doorstep but close enough to get home in a hurry.
If money were no object, where would you like to live?
This big house in a quiet part of South Kensington.
It’s white, has 5 floors, with huge windows and gorgeous garden looks a place where magic happens.
Where would you most like to spend a 'lost weekend'?
What do you never leave home without?
Keys, pager, lipsalve, wallet
What was the last book/CD you bought and where did you buy them?
I don’t buy books, that’s what libraries are for. The last CD was “Independent Woman Part 2” by Destiny’s Child from WHSmith
Who would you most like to get stuck in a London Eye pod with?
Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela .
What's the first piece of advice you'd give a London tourist?
Take the No. 11 bus. For only £1, you see loads of the great sites including the Palaces of Westminster and St Paul’s Catherdral.
If you were invisible for a day, where would you go in London and what would you do?
Go to Buckingham Palace and sit on the royal throne and play “let’s pretend”.
What's the best thing you can do in London without paying for it?
On a sunny day; go to the royal parks, my favourite is Kensington Gardens.
On a rainy day; visit some great museums, my favourite is Victoria and Albert Museum.
What do you miss most when you're out of London?
My friends
What is your favourite view?
Looking East over the Round Pond in Kensington Gardens.
You can stand in the centre of London and you can’t see or hear traffic all you can see are trees, water, and birds.
What and where is your favourite painting?
Victoria & Albert museum. Raphael’s Cartoons.
Couldn’t pick a favourite they are all amazing.
What last made you cry?
Film related: When Harry met Sally, Titanic and It's a Wonderful Life. I am filled with Mush.
In real life: February 27, 2001
If your house were on fire, which three things would you rescue?
My diary, my picture of my friends and my picture of my sister and I from when we were little.