On the hit TV show
Farscape, like any good
scifi show, there are several alternate names for unites of measurement of
time. These being:
- Microt – roughly equal to one and a half seconds.
- Micron – about a minute. Though several people claim they have heard this used on Farscape, most don’t believe in it. This instance is similar to that of the motra, witch is the micron version of metra (Something either a meter or a kilometer. Which ever the metra is, motra is the other.) These terms are generally only used in fan fic as a way to confuse the audience less.
- Arn – about an hour.
- Solar day – day.
- Cycle – year.
Though the concept works well on paper, it is not actually practical, because it doesn’t have a universal constant. A solar day is the length of time it takes for a planet to complete one revolution of its axis, but it’s a different length for each astral body. Even for planets in the same solar system, days aren’t the same length. Years are also different. But Farscape uses it as a standard unit. If it is meant to mean the length of a day for the planet you are on, or the planet you are closest to for those on starships, then communication would be extremely confusing. And so for this reason it is general considered to be constant, based on the length of a day for the Sebacean homeworld. Sebaceans being the dominant race in most of the space that Farscape takes place.