- existence
- theory of assumed existence
- The everlasting human goal of attaining a meaningful existence
- Proof of the existence of irrational numbers
- plane of existence
- The existence of God
- in some parallel existence
- Guido Ubaldus' proof of the existence of God
- The Trial by Existence
- bane of my existence
- I don't acknowledge your existence either. Don't worry about it.
- Everything is the Endless Exposition of Our Existence
- Denied an existence as beautiful and unique snowflakes
- Beyond Belief: Christian Arguments for God's Existence
- the five groups of Existence
- The three characteristics of existence
- What happens if you question your existence?
- Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap
- Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness
- The Unbearable Anguish of My Awful Existence, an Un-Sestina in Vague Villanelle Form
- Demonstration of God's Existence From Motion
- The Cartesian Argument for the Existence of God
- Spinoza's Argument for the Existence of God
- Existence of the System Administrator
- Meditation VI: Of the Existence of Material Things, and of the real Distinction between the Soul and Body of Man
- Meditation VI: Of the Existence of Material Things, and of the real Distinction between the Soul and the Body of Man : 2
- Neo-Nazi Existence in Germany
- Absolute proof of the existence of God and my reaffirmation of Catholicism 2
- Existence (user)
- Human existence of the homeless
- Mandelstahm's proof of the existence of God
- Boethius's proof of the existence of God
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- The three stages of existence
- existence according to the Jerry Bruckheimer physics handbook
- Unfair Arguments With Existence
- Struggle for Existence
- Tangible Evidence of the Existence of the Wind
- Descartes' proof of the existence of the corporeal world
- existence of irreducible polynomials over a prime field
- Socrates and Plato on existence and higher moral truth
- original existence
- Models of American Racial Discrimination
- drop your slogans and drop your pants. proceed naked from this existence.
- Lonely Hipsters on a Higher Plane of Existence
- The corporate existence as yet another a way of avoiding life
- Your job is to find kitten. This task is complicated by the existence of various things which are not kitten.
- Man's love is of man's life a part; it is a woman's whole existence.
- existence proof
- The Crosgasby Proof of the Existence of God
- Banana proof of the existence of God
- Existence of Primitives
- The riddle of (our) existence
- the stars would weep if they knew of our existence
- the existence of the decision itself is a mere distraction on the road to oblivion
- The Epistemological Inquiry, or, Existence, at all
- It is a dull existence in the shadow of great things long past.
- If we ran this back an infinite number of times across infinite existences our souls would still never connect, so don't regret.
- a sketch of a proof of both the existence and non-existence of God
- Dream Repeat (or: Existence Is the Dream That Dances Endlessly in the Echo Chamber of the Sleeping Mind)
- The literal horror of an existence
- The existence of my reality is so oppressive on me
- quiet is existence become crystalline, perfectly clear, but deceptively pregnate with reality
- Does generative AI imply the existence of degenerative AI and regenerative AI?
- understand
- Baltimore natives, and how to understand them
- Understand my hands
- You are not expected to understand this
- The fact that you make no sense doesn't mean you're an artist
- To understand, predict, and control human behavior
- I don't understand vegetarians
- Should you have to understand lyrics to enjoy music?
- Why I love (and why many hate) minimal techno
- How would you understand?
- Just don't expect me to understand
- Parents don't understand the new economy
- lizards don't understand
- Why you should understand the tools you use
- Which part of I don't understand didn't you understand?
- They don't understand my tea
- Foreigners need to understand what "cussing" is
- We would probably not understand alien life
- Don't meddle in that which you have no desire to understand
- Warez Doodz don't understand Free Software
- Understand (user)
- I don't understand Bill Gates
- Loudly speaking English in a French accent won't help the locals understand you
- I Understand
- Alcohol vs. ecstasy
- Suspended in wonder at a world I could never understand
- The one at the top doesn't need to understand the mountain
- if you have to ask you wouldn't understand
- Sometimes I think I understand
- people cannot understand sarcasm
- The fact that you don't understand this doesn't mean it isn't art
- Americans can't understand Communism
- The problem with having parents who don't fully understand computers
- Now I understand what you tried to say to me
- I hope you'd never understand
- I don't understand math
- I wanted to write a poem that you would understand
- You already understand
- From books people learn to remember, from mistakes to understand
- I like hearing you talk. It doesn't matter if I don't understand.
- If you don't understand words, you won't understand people
- The boy who did not understand the language of the birds
- If we were machines, we'd have the gift of being eternal and I want you to understand
- How He Didn't Understand Her Whichever
- I now understand Wood
- See first. Understand first. Act first. Finish decisively.
- To understand Fundamentalism, you need to know what a fundament is.
- A language full of words she understands, but does not know the sound of, yet.
- Do you understand?
- I was wrong as a child, to think old people were stupid for asking me where the day had gone. Now I understand... we older people do not live.
- When you understand the reasons why, you'll still hate our guts
- They're just babies, they don't understand!
- Sometimes I don't want to understand people
- A Scene That, To Understand, One Must Be A Led Zeppelin Fan
- Sometimes I don't want to understand people
- I like hearing myself talk. It doesn't matter if you don't understand.
- We completely understand the public's concern about futuristic robots feeding on the human population, but that is not our mission.
- J. keeps saying, You understand. I keep thinking, I have found you.
- when we understand
- I really came to understand that they were just real people who wanted to live real lives and be treated equally as opposed to, for example, wanting to destroy us.
- the power of music is knowing that someone else understands, and it changes nothing
- Leave it to a child to understand life
- We might not like each other very much afterwards, but at least we'll understand each other.
- I won't ever understand me
- I won't ever understand
- you understand
- Do you understand what you are, sir, in love? You've been lost at sea, and picked up by a lone stranger on an anchored and recently near-abandoned ghost ship.
- Shut up. You want the same thing everyone wants. We thoroughly understand.
- What I do not understand about rural resentment
- The fact that you don't understand this doesn't mean arse
- Things get a little easier, once you understand
- i want to understand. do you want to understand?
- get the disease and try to understand
- You haven't seen it and you don't understand. I have malice. I have cruelty. The little fire that's always been inside me isn't so little anymore.
- I can't even begin to tell you how I feel about certain things for reasons that you may find difficult to understand
- you can understand everything
- the emptiness you feel is a desire to understand yourself and the world
- never say anything you do not understand. you will quickly find the path to truth.
- what are the ideas you use to understand the world?
- so concerned with doing things the right way, we never learned how to understand
- i am a seedling. i don't even understand how much i have yet to learn.
- the multiplicity of detail in time and space is a conspiracy by big universe to make it impossible for us to understand everything
- if you do not understand, then you should try to understand
- The more you know, the less you understand.
- they carry but they do not understand
- if you subscribe to a single school, then you don't understand
- do you want to understand? or do you want to be right?
- The thing to understand about trans people
- The reason people go to war is because they don't understand the feelings of others.
- It's difficult to live with people if you're fastidious. You'll understand that once you discover that you're ruined.
- tell me about the outside world. what part of it that i do not understand hurt you?
- I understand. As far as I can go, we'll go together.
- i remember the first time that i fell; i didn't understand it at the time
- a ship's construct would never understand
- i don't want to achieve a high rank in religion. i want to understand god.
- do you understand what is happening?
- Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process.
- there is a place where the dead live. it is in us. it is all around us. it is more than we can understand.
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