I've taken vicodin on four separate occasions, for purely recreational use each time.
The first time was five or six years ago; I was 16 or 17 years old. A friend of mine was staying the night. She was the crazy type who always had the latest indie rock music, fresh gaping wounds on her forearms, was an experienced shoplifter who dressed like a bag lady and came to school high with her hair shaved off on a regular basis. My brother was friends with her, too, and my brother happened to have stolen a fistful of vicodin from our father, who had recently underwent shoulder surgery. We went to my brother's room, the three of us, and they each had two or three pills, and gave me one. I was totally straight back then, didn't smoke pot ever, had never drank, only smoked the odd clove cigarette... They saw me as sort of innocent, I guess.
I don't recall feeling any differently after taking the pill, though I was nervous about getting high and more nervous about not getting high. But I must have been high after all, because I ended up making out with my friend for over an hour in my bed. It was sort of fun but I didn't feel anything in particular about it at time. The next day I was totally exhausted and also sort of blank.
The second time was a few months ago, in the car with my brother on the way to Taco Bell. (Backstory: my brother is my best friend and for the past three years we've gotten together on weekends to get drunk, smoke pot, watch TV, and, more recently, pop pills and go to Taco Bell, which I always end up paying for, even though I'm unemployed and he is not.) He somehow has a standing prescription for vicodin (switching over from Darvocet, which he stopped taking when it started fucking up his heart). He decided to share the wealth one night. I took two 400mg pills on an empty stomach. The first thing I noticed was that my throat was very relaxed and I felt too lazy to talk. I felt lazily cheerful, though. After we got out of the car, after a relaxing, peaceful ride home, I have no idea what vicodin did to me because we smoked some British Colombian weed and that drug pretty much took over.
I slept very well that night and woke sleepy in the morning, but I kept smiling at my annoying family and was generally happy to have them around. Normally after smoking so much pot I feel slightly hungover in the morning.
The third time I took vicodin, it was under identical circumstances as the second time, only by then I was looking for a job and so had stopped smoking pot. My throat and mouth relaxed, and all my thoughts felt clear and very plain. I felt nothing in particular and began listing my faults and problems and the ways I make my life worse than it has to be in very concise, orderly terms, going on and going on most methodically for over an hour. When we returned from Taco Bell I sat on his couch and watched TV, feeling very detached. I went home at three in the morning and got on the internet. I was extremely depressed but unsurprised when my friends signed off soon after I signed on. I stayed up until five in the morning blankly surfing the internet, with very dry, wide eyes and finally put myself to bed. The next day I was very depressed and in a horrible mood.
The fourth time I took vicodin was last night. The circumstances were the same as before, minus Taco Bell. I sat on my brother's couch and talked for a while to my sister-in-law. I felt happy, like giggling and smiling and snuggling. I went home at two in the morning, got online, and talked to friends until three, at which point they went to bed. I immediately became almost suicidally depressed, because I wanted to be around people so badly. I got offline and lay in bed feeling lonely, unloved, and untouched for two hours. When I slept I had strange nightmares, and was still high when I woke up. I still felt lonely and like I wanted to snuggle with anyone, anyone at all. My eyes were very dry and I haven't been able to keep a thought in my head all day.
In conclusion, vicodin is best used only for pain, unless you are also smoking weed with it. It is a bad idea to take it for fun if you already have a problem with depression, as I do, and your experiences with taking it for fun may vary very widely. The most notable feature of recreational vicodin use is a very clear and open mind. I wish I was less of a lazy piece of shit, so I could utilize that clarity better.