The Norns are the threefold personification of Urd/Wyrd. They are also known as the Wyrdae. They are commonly depicted as three women weaving or spinning, although this may simply be the influence of classical mythology and the Greek and Roman Fates. Other ancient Germanic names for the Norns, such as the "Schreiberinnen" ("Writing Women"), along with references in the Eddas, indicate that originally the Norns/Wyrdae were conceived as carving runes into staves of wood, rather than spinning or weaving.

The names of the Norns are Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. These are often mistakenly translated as "Past, Present and Future". This is an oversimplification. A more accurate interpretation of the names of the three Norns is "All-That-Is", "All-That-Is-Becoming", and "Necessary-Consequences/Debt". The distinction is small, but important to an appreciation of the Norse/Germanic worldview.