My skin is crawling.

My hands are killing me.

I found purpose within e2 as one of the music theory guys, which is great. I'm down.

In about 10 hours I have to go have a wide excision performed on a former mole which was biopsied half a month ago. It wasn't a melanoma like the other one, it was dysplastic which means that it had ambition but little motivation.

The big hunk of my back they'll be taking out will hurt like a bitch, because they'll cram the skin together and sew it up directly over where my walking muscles connect, flex, and move. Which means no booty, no running, no breakdancing, *poof* set it and forget it.

Now I am tired, but when I'm all broken and can't go anywhere for the next two weeks, guess who's gonna get forcefed more general instructions for species counterpoint?

Factual noding is more fun if you have a thinly veiled sadistic alterior motive to go along with it.


Set it and forget it. Then come back to a yummy meal only 194 and a half hours later.