KANJI: GA KAKU E KAI ega (sketch, stroke, picture)

ASCII Art Representation:

    ,,      %%,,      %%%%      ,%%,    ,,
    %%%%,   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   %%%%,
    %%%%"   %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%"
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%,,,,,,%%%%,,,,,,%%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%""""""%%%%""""""%%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%      %%%%      %%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    %%%%
    %%%%    "%%"                "%%"    %%%%
    %%%%                                %%%%
    %%%%                                %%%%
    %%%%                                %%%%
    "%%"                                "%%"

Character Etymology:

Earlier versions of this chacter shows a hand applying a brush to a rice field with an added stroke at the bottom to indicate partitioning. Thus yielding to partition fields with a brush, i.e. on a map. By extension it also came to mean strokes or diagram/picture.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: GA KAKU E KAI
kun-yomi: ega(ku) kaku(suru) kagi(ru) hakarigoto haka(ru)

English Definitions:

  1. GA, E: picture, drawing, painting, sketch.
  2. KAKU: stroke (in a [character).
  3. kaku(suru): draw, demarcate, mark, divide, map out.
  4. ega(ku): draw, paint, sketch, describe.

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 3733
Henshall: 85

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

映画 (eiga): movie.
画面 (gamen): screen.
計画 (keikaku): plan.


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