All great write-ups, but I think it may be useful to inform non-asthmatics on how to recognize that an asthmatic is really in trouble.

Severe Asthma Warning Signs:
  • Clenched fists. People who have had asthma their whole lives often become extremely frustrated. If they're sitting in a chair that has arms, see if they are tightly gripping the ends of the arms. If you notice this, the asthmatic is likely trying to "fight off" the asthma. Try to calm him or her down. Say something relaxing, or maybe even something off-topic.
  • Only saying one word per breath. If this occurs, the asthmatic is having a bad attack and is likely panicking as well. In this situation, try to be soothing but watch the afflicted carefully as they are possibly in a serious spot.
  • Blue lips and/or blue under the fingernails. This is a huge tip-off that the asthma attack is a severe one. Blue lips or blue under the fingernails means very simply that the asthmatic isn't getting enough oxygen. Feel the person's hands. If they are very cold, that's another bad sign. When asthmatics get to this stage of a severe asthma attack, you need to get them to an emergency room. The afflicted will be very weak at this point, so you should help walk him or her to your car and drive to a hospital. Ignore such statements as, "I'll be fine, just give me a couple of minutes!"

If you ever have any doubts about the well-being of the asthmatic, simply ask them questions. An asthmatic is likely to know his or her asthma pretty well and they may be useful in determining what action to take.