It's Friday! I can't wait for the weekend!

I'm going to do so much drawing and I'm also going to get to play D&D with all my friends tomorrow. I've been slacking off on chores for the last few weeks and it couldn't be better, due to my fiance being at home.

Of course, he hasn't done them either so I will have to cave in and eventually get it all done... you know, icky stuff like cleaning the toilet, vacuuming, and ordinary chores like washing the glass windows. We had my little sister over this week, and you know children ... fingermarks all over everything. No, I don't miss the glass tables from my old house! Not one bit.

I want to go home and play with my bunny ... sometimes I get so entranced by doing 3D and artwork that I forget to take him out and hold him. Pocky's such a cuddly little lap bunny. How did I ever find one so sweet?