is one of the most unusual sites on the internet; a lengthy, incoherent rant about how time is... a fourth-order shape, or something. It is a work of genius, something I say with utmost sincerity.

Quite possibly the mastermind behind - a resident of Florida who goes by the name of 'Gene Ray' (according to his WHOIS entry) - is a comic, and is an arch parody of internet kookery. It is equally possible that is a straight-faced joke in the manner of The Church of the Subgenius, but taken to an extreme of archness indistinguishable from sincerity.

It is not immediately apparent how often is updated; the copyright date is 1997-1998. Gene Ray answers e-mails sent to him (such as the observation that a cube actually has six faces, not four), and as evidenced by 'An interview with Gene Ray', he exists and is a live human male.

Pokey's writeup above captures the strident, clipped tone of Ray's monologue; his writing style conveys an impression of great passion and great urgency, as if Ray was writing a final letter in a doomed submarine.

'Timecube' has also become shorthand for any form of mania, as in 'X is totally timecubed', often applied to obscure academic tracts, bizarre theories, and culty websites (and, for that matter, the websites of cults).