"Dominate" is also the name of a surprisingly good (and free) online version of the classic boardgame Risk.

The site (www.dominategame.com) was developed by a Dutch student, as part of a programming course. Game setup has alot of options, like using "fog of war" and hiding the cards each player receives. Games can be set to have different time limits per turn, which prevents people from stalling (if time runs out, that player automatically loses...which means if you have an unstable connection, the game is probably going to cause you grief).

Registration is free (just involves choosing a login and password...don't even need an e-mail). There's also a general chat room, as well as individual chat rooms for each ongoing game.

The only "problem" is that a banner briefly appears across the middle of the screen every 5 minutes (to help pay for the costs of running the site). By becoming a "friend of Dominate" (ie. give some money), this banner does not appear.

As of late October 2001, the site is down due to potential copyright issues...(surprising to me that it didn't happen sooner, but unfortunate as it was a fun free game)