A common designation for one of the opponents in various two-player board games (see also white).

While White's pieces are virtually always white or ivory in color, Black's come in black or almost any other color.

Some properties of Black in various games:


Black has the disadvantage of moving second; in master-level play, this can be significant enough that finishing with a draw can be quite satisfactory.

As with checkers, Black's pieces sometimes come in very distracting colors -- particularly incomprehensibly, bright red. You only see this in really cheap (plastic and cardboard) sets. On the other extreme, expensive sets are made of varied materials, with jade being a popular material for Black's pieces. Such sets are mostly decorative, like many grand pianos and telescopes, but even less likely to be used because of excessive ornateness.

Since Black starts with two bishops, one which moves only on light squares and the other only on the dark squares, they are referred to not as black bishops but as light- or dark-squared bishops (since the pieces themselves are the same color).


Black moves first in Go, and this is considered to be a major advantage. Since Go uses a numerical scoring system, this advantage, called komi, is quantified at 5.5 points (using the standard 19x19 game board; I assume it has a smaller value with the smaller boards).


Terrace gives Black the first move. This presumably gives em an advantage similar in nature to that of White in chess; this game being only a few years old as of this writing and thus not extensively studied as the ancient games have been, the exact benefit to Black is probably not as well understood.