If there is a perfect usage of the word mediocre, this day is it. The day started off with a bad touch, the weather was hot, muggy and hinting rain. It hit 35C (thats 95F for you Yanks), 100% humidity. Not too comfortable. God bless air conditioning. Pollution and humidity mixes very badly, so it was a sweaty and stinky trip to the office.

I got kicked out of my cubicle! I was ticked off when I walked in and my computer was gone. Upon further investigation, I was relocated to the computer lab, which in fact has a faster connection, and three Solaris stations for me to toy with. Not that it does me any good, but at least I'm not in a cubicle any more. Unfortunately, I got even less privacy in the lab than the cubicle. Oh well, tradeoffs.

Good news, bad news. The geek girl I met a while back, also an intern, is in the same room. Bad news. She's taken! Apparently, she's got some boyfriend back in Boston who is 27 years old. She is 21. I'm 19. Shit. I'm pissed. Oh well, not all is without hope. We have flirted a fair bit, and on Friday when we got drunk she was pretty friendly. I wonder if I can slip her more alcohol or some E...... No, that's immoral. Damn my conscience! Oh well, plenty of game out there.

Nasty acid rain poured all over the street by midday. I was going to a telecommunications exposition, so much for that. That might have been interesting. The good thing was that all the bosses did go, so all us lowly members of the cubicle jungle got the office to ourselves! Whoop! Cubicle war! Fear my laser pointer, for I am the cubicle sniper! MUHWAHAHA!

9-5, get home, regular drill. Had EE lessons. God I hate circuits. Transients are annoying, and so is that phasor nonsense. Oh well, it would help my grades, so I have to go through with it. Watched a pirated version of Gladiator afterwards. Pretty good movie. I liked the gore.

What a boring day. Corporate slavery. Whoopee....... The rest of the week better improve really fast........