wedgeantantilies is correct in saying that there was a love interest for Quincy but he never did marry her, the reason for this was:

Before becoming an M.E Quincy was a fabulous brain surgeon. He was rich and contented and married to a fabulously beautiful woman. However all was not well in the Quincy household. Quincy loved his work as much as he loved his woman, perhaps more. Though they were rich in money terms they saw little of her and she was sad. He always promised her more time, but somehow work always got in the way (sniff).

One day it transpired that that Quincy's wife had a brain tumour.

Even the great Quincy couldn't save her.

When he lost her he realized that he had to choose between being a brilliant doctor or a fabulous husband. Hoping to never hurt a woman that he loved ever again, he vowed to never allow a woman to get close enough to him that he could hurt her.

He also knew that he could never work with the living now that the love of his life was dead.

So he became an M.E. and never married again.