Another solution that could be applied to Zeno's paradox, at least on the macroscopic scale, is that of a discrete universe. Although calculus does say that a sum of an infinite number of components can give a finite result through integration, the science of calculus, and the concept of limits are really only theoretical constructions used to explore physical concepts.

The alternate explanation, (suggested to me by my brother), is that the space is discrete at some level. If to move x, you have to move half x, and then half that half x ... ad infinitum, instead of dividing x to inifinity, you eventually hit a wall. This is the discrete space step which you can then traverse.

Discrete space isn't any more right than calculus, but its an interesting solution. Of course, the moment you take into account quantum mechanics, the need for a discrete universe to explain Zeno's paradox becomes meaningless.

Also ... in regards to the debate above, I think that a finite number can be divided into an infinite number of parts. That is what calculus is about.