Apart from being a web site, a google fight is comparing two queries using a web search engine. You enter two lists of words, and the winner is the one with the highest number of web pages known to match. The number of matches is displayed for both the winner and the loser. This can be done for entertainment, like comparing the number of hits of Good vs Evil and seeing who wins(let's hope good), or between Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds.

It is fun to use it when in doubt about the correct spelling of a word, for example assasination vs assassination. This adds the satisfaction or consolation of finding out how many people were stupid enough to misspell or even mispel it. However, the results get skewed by other matches, since e.g. mispel is also the name of a plant, the Medlar.

In addition, a search engine does not know whether a page is viewed (or even reviewed and corrected) very often or whether it is a lonesome man page e.g. about rusage that almost never gets viewed. Also, one and same document might have been put up in the internet as copy, especially documentation.

This casts doubts on the obvious and easy way to find out about the superiority, popularity or omnipresence of something using a web search engine.

Thus, Webster's Dictionary is a safer way to find out the spelling of a word.

When trying to find the truth, the example of dolphins are fish(wins!) versus dolphins are mammals shows that a search engine usually doesn't understand semantics, because the sentence Many people think dolphins are fish, but they are not does not mean that dolphins are fish, quite the opposite. One could imagine aliens that, for this reason, talk using never no negation, alike the Vulcan dislike for lies.

Thanks to rootbeer277 for telling me about the dolphins.