One of his most interesting books published was "The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography", in which he describes a lot from his early experiments mapping the brains of monkeys and communication among dolphins, and between dolphins and humans, to his late experiments with LSD, Ketamine and floatation tanks, that inspired the movie "Altered States".

"Day of the Dolphin" was another movie based on his researches. His researches on interspecies communications claim to have taught dolphins to talk.

Lilly was not only a pioneer in areas such as electronics, biophysics, neurophysiology, computer theory and neuroanatomy, but also a pioneer in realms of consciousness, pushing the boundaries to unmapped regions on the mind. One of his famous self-inflicted "experiments" consisted on injecting himself at every waking hour with ~40mg of Ketamine, for a period of 3 months. We're talking about hourly intramuscular injections for a period of 90 days... This brought him to a middle ground state, where he could either perform his human tasks in this world, or slip into the Ketamine quantum consciousness at will.

This deep dive, which as far as I know didn't stop after his 90 days experiment was over (although one would assume it to have been cut down significantly in frequency), brought him to some kooky realizations and theories such as ECCO (or Earth Coincidence Control Office; roughly a 'race' of disembodied alien entities that controls the synchronicities and coincidences in human life and the planet).

At one occasion, after a bicycle accident (he was riding it on an extremely high dose of PCP...), he entered a coma-like state, where he claims to have been taken by ECCO on a interstellar tour, watching stars explode, supernovas at birth, etc. On another occasion, after a high dose of Ketamine, he desperately noticed that the 'aliens' had removed his penis, in a cosmic joke, and had to be reassured everything was fine by his wife.

All in all, the guy is intelligent, groundbreaking, a kook, crazy (under certain standards), and extremely entertaining.