Modern classic horror movie, released in 1987. Full title: "Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn." Directed by Sam Raimi and written by Raimi and Scott Spiegel. Starred Bruce Campbell as dimwitted hero Ash, Sarah Berry as brainy beauty Annie Knowby, Dan Hicks as greasy hillbilly Jake, Kassie DePaiva as skanky cowchick Bobbie Joe, Denise Bixler as dancing corpse-to-be Linda, Lou Hancock as sweet old lady Henrietta Knowby, and Ted Raimi as horrific monstrosity Possessed Henrietta.

Part of its appeal may stem from the gore factor, with zombies, flying eyeballs, chainsaw mutilations, and gouts of fake blood splattering all over the screen. Part of its appeal may stem from its audacious direction (despite its low-budget special effects), with the cameras chasing people through the wilderness, rocketing alongside the flying eyeballs, and zipping from one corner of the room to the other. Part of its appeal may stem from its quirky sense of humor, with guffawing deer heads and table lamps, mirrors with a 'tude, and a rubberfaced hero who beats himself up, cuts off his own hand, and gets off more funny, quotable lines than your average Tarantino flick. If you haven't seen it, you cannot yet consider yourself Culturally Literate.

"Evil Dead 2" was followed, years later, by the less scary, more slapstick "Army of Darkness."