The week thus far:


Back to work for the first day this summer. I had been rather apprehensive about it, since so much has changed since I left last August. Things were cool though. There's a few new people working there, including this one girl-- Muy Bonita. Work consisted of setting up a new Win98 box*, and installing MS Office and stuff.

*They're all running Windows 98, unfortunately. I don't even have NT to play around with anymore. I take comfort that our mail server is running Linux, though.


More of the same at work; I'm now writing some SMX code to allow only those visitors to our site who don't have a login cookie to access a special offer, along with some other stuff. Whee.

After work, I head out to BW-3 with some friends for an evening of 25 cent wings and electronic trivia games. It's always fun hanging out with Eric and Christine; Eric and I annoy Christine by talking about Achaea, this MUD that we play, and they annoy me by being cute, thus drawing attention to the fact that I'm terminally single. Fortunately, we stopped at T. J. Maxx on the way over, and convinced Melissa to come by after she finished working. An older (and slightly wasted) friend of Eric's came by and conversed with us for a while. Very amusing. Afterward, we went to Malley's. All in all, a good day.

Side note: I learned today that Nikki's engaged. This is something of a shocker, since she's only 2 years older than I am. She'll be the first person in my age group that I know well to get married. I'm happy for her, of course, but I feel old.


Work continues. I'm pretty much done now, and it's all very slick. Quite a shocker. Usually these things turn out to be much harder than I initially expect.

Go to the Band concert at my former high school. Pretty nifty. Some nostalgia, especially when the Jazz Band played.

I hang around and say "hi" to people afterward, though Jason blew me off when I tried to talk to him. We used to not get along, but I thought things had improved senior year. I start to wonder if perhaps he was just being nice to me because of my friendship with his (now-ex) girlfriend Carey. *sigh*. I haven't talked to Carey in forever, either.

Now I'm standing with Eric, Christine, Nikki, and Melissa. I'm the youngest of that group, a year behind Christine, and 2 behind the others. And yet, I look around me, and see the crowds of high schoolers, and I feel too young and too old at the same time.

The crowds disperse, and I talk Eric into coming up to Lakeland with me to catch the end of the Rotary Awards. Unfortunately, we're too late. We catch the RHS contingent, along with some fellow alumni, on their way out. They head over to the local Burger King to hang out and commiserate over not winning any awards this year, but Eric and I have had enough nostalgia for one night, and head home.

At least I remembered to tape Buffy and Angel this week. I rewind the tape, and press play, knowing full well that I really ought to be heading to bed... Good episodes, though.


I have a bit of trouble getting out of bed this morning, for obvious reasons, and I'm an hour late to work. Nobody cares, though. I can pretty much come and go as I please.

My boss changes my assignment, making things much tougher, but then he buys us pizza, so the day's not a total loss.

By now, I've installed vim, lynx, Mozilla, and the Borland version of grep on my machine. I wonder if I can seriptitiously install Linux while I'm at it....

Another band concert tonight, this time the Junior High. I'm less enthusiastic about this one, and I'm only going because my sister's in it. It turns out to be all right though.

To be continued on Friday, when our hero goes to see the one act plays, among other adventures.