Husband was off yesterday, still he went into work to do some painting the District Manager wanted done. Never missed a days work, well that one time when the two worms beat him up in the back parking lot cause he had shut down the grill and couldn't make them a Big Boy. Worked in restaurants since he was 15. Five years of my illness, two years unable to get disability or insurance has taken all our savings and we've racked up debt we may never get out from under. We're facing 8 years of college with our boys. I'm afraid to check my e-mail because of the ILOVEYOU virus. We couldn't afford to get the computer fixed if we get the virus. Oh well, we have each other and it's only money!!

A rock or something (looked a lot like a bullet) has hit the windshield of the other car.

compman thought I was my son on AOL IM and was monkey dancing, so I Snoopy danced along with him then told him who I was:) I decided to let Number Two Son find out about it at school today.
He's gonna kill me when he gets home!

Oh Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you.
- Psalm 38:9 (NRSV)

God is intimately concerned even with the small cares of my life. Unvoiced longings deep within me are as much prayers as the ones I articulate.
