Okay, so my second novel was released into the world today ... it's entitled Shotgun Sorceress, and it's the sequel to my first novel, Spellbent. It's an urban fantasy published by Del Rey (a Random House imprint) and it picks up pretty much right where the first book ended. You'll be able to find it in most Barnes and Noble stores, Borders, Chapters, Powell's Books, etc.

I tuckerized grundoon in it. Just because I could. And because I can't do a goddamn thing about anything that might be more important to her and her family.

Writing this second book in the series was a lot harder than writing the first book. I put pressure on myself to finish Spellbent, but at the end of the day, if I farted around on E2 instead of writing, well ... the only consequence was my own dismay at myself (okay, Braunbeck would fuss at me, too). With Shotgun Sorceress there was a real, genuine deadline written into a legally-binding contract. If I didn't turn the thing in when I said I would, I could lose my book deal along with any hope of others with Random House.

Some days, the words wouldn't come, or if they came, the writing was painfully slow. I always felt as if I was falling behind. It nearly drove me insane.

I tell you this in case any of you also sell a series that isn't written yet at the time of the contract: the second book will be harder than the first, even if you think you're the sort that does well under deadline. Be prepared.

But anyhow. I finished the book, and now it's in stores, so it feels "real" now. I hope those of you who read it enjoy it.

And now it's on to the third book, and hopefully the fourth book after that if Sorceress does well ....