A website (http://www.fark.com/).

If Seinfeld was the "show about nothing," then Fark.com is the website about nothing. Basically, it's a daily list of humorous or interesting links (usually news articles) from across the web. Anyone can submit an article (or "farcticle" as they are sometimes called), but most of them are found by creator and president-for-life Drew Curtis.

In an interview with Brassknuckles Webzine, Drew describes the site's beginning: "I've been reading news every morning since at least 1993. I used to send out articles to all my friends in email, but over time I was afraid that they'd get annoyed with it. So around 1999 I decided I'd go ahead and post them to a webpage instead. And told them all to look there. Apparently they told other people."

In 2000, Fark started giving out accounts, and then put comment threads next to the articles. Thus, the Fark community was born. Over the past two years, this community has grown into the tens of thousands.

Besides the links, Fark has also become known for its photoshop contests in which Farkers are challenged to alter photos or other images (usually with Adobe Photoshop).

There are no real guidelines on what gets posted on the site. There is the occasional porn link (carefully labelled NSFW -- not safe for work), and since September 11, 2001 there have been a lot more straight news stories and news flashes. Fark is about anything, or nothing, or possibly even everything, but mostly it's about finding more and more ways to waste time on the Internet.