I woke up around noon or so this morning, but I felt lazy and stayed in bed. I drifted in and out of consciousness for a few hours, and then at two o’clock, I finally got out of bed, mostly because my cell phone was ringing. I picked it up, and Mike from Radio Shack asked if I could come in for a job interview today. Despite my shock, I managed to ask what time he'd like me to come in, and arranged to be there at three. I immediately took a shower, partly to wake up and be presentable, and partly to make sure this wasn't a dream.

I’ve been looking for a summer job for the past few months, with no luck at all. It was a discouraging process, and I’d already given up. I figured that no one would be willing to hire me for the meager two months between now and continuation of my education at Reed College, in Portland, Oregon. That’s irony for you, I suppose.

After an uneventful drive, I arrived at Radio Shack, where I met the store manager, Eric. When he asked his first question, I was very nervous, and rambled coherently, but far too quickly, about my experiences in Speech and Debate, and how I felt they were a good foundation for a job in sales. He listened to what I had to say, and then told me to breathe. I realized I had forgotten to do so, resumed respiration, and felt a knot of tension in my chest slowly untwist. He was a genial man, and I soon felt at ease talking to him. At the end of the interview, I asked a few questions, learned some more about the store, and left. I feel good about the whole thing. I think that Eric liked me, and it was gratifying when he said that he had enjoyed the interview. If I’m selected, I’ll get a call from him, and then have an interview with the district office, which has to give him permission to hire me. Even if nothing comes of it, it was a valuable experience (I’ll be even more prepared for my next job interview, whenever that is), and a pleasant reminder that sometimes good things can happen when you least expect it.