The Rothko Chapel is a building in Houston Texas, on Yupon Street and Sul Ross. It was a collaboration between painter Mark Rothko and architect Philip Johnson, commissioned by Dominique and John de Menil and completed in 1971. The chapel is in the form of an octagon, that houses 14 paintings by Rothko, done from 1964-7. Triptyches hang on the north, east, and west walls. The south wall and the diagonal walls each hold one painting. The paintings are predominately dark brown, purple, and black. Rothko himself said that they are to express "the timelessness and tragedy of the human condition.” The chapel is a non-denominational sanctuary.


A piece of music written by Morton Feldman under commission from Dominique and John de Menil. It was premiered in 1972 at the Rothko Chapel in Houston. The five part piece lasts about 23 minutes, and is written for viola, percussion, celesta, soprano, alto, and chorus.