Okay, firstly, so what's the deal exactly with server time and daylogs? I wonder this because I always seem to be posting daylogs the day after a bunch of others have posted them for the same day, and when some have begun posting them for what is my tomorrow. But the server time flips to the next day when it is my mid afternoon (and presumably the same for a bunch of other West Coast Americans). What point is there really to have E2 run on Greenwich Mean Time at all, and ought I be matching my daylog posting days to E2 server time, or does anybody even pay any mind to that?

Secondly, Cabin In The Woods. Saw it last weekend. Awesomely well done. I plan to write up a review in a week or so (may go back and see it again to see if I missed those little hints that they like to put in those flicks). Wondering how deep I ought to go into 'spoiler' territory there. Have people seen it? Or not seen it but planning to and don't want the surprise twist spoiled, even though it's pretty much all over Teh Internets already? Or, really really want to know what the surprise twist is?

In auditing news:

Tem42 -- up to page 36 out of 36 -- in other words, done. I found it takes longer as I've hit these earliest days, since there tend to be many more write-ups in each node, and I feel pretty compelled to check out all of them as long as I'm going through the process. So many flens, now, who've not been here in nine or ten or eleven (or 'question mark') years.... (yes, I used 'flens' as if it was a thing; that's what makes it a thing).
The Custodian -- on page 24 out of 39 Custo, we're almost there bud.

....and since I've made catbox promises, my next pair of node-audit recipients are:

wertperch -- not yet begun to audit 10 pages of nodes
gnarl -- not yet begun to audit 6 pages