Things I've let strangers overhear

If you like amusing yourself at the expense of others, you and your friends need to practice the beautiful art of eavesdroppable fakery. So that when you’re in an elevator with your friend, and a stranger gets on, you can sigh and say, “Yeah so anyway, that’s the story of how I became a woman….” (Especially good if you are, like me, a big hairy manly-man.)

Other suggestions:

Also good at parties, in clubs, or on public transportation.

chaotic_poet says re: things I've let strangers overhear: My friends and I love doing this. Our favorite is "So we set her pubic hair on fire and everything was fine."
geneva says this is excellent
(jessicapierce) Klaproth says I ate your writeup things I've let strangers overhear. Explanation forthcoming. Node Heaven will become its new residence.
jessicapierce says re things I've let strangers overhear : E2 does have plenty of other "humorous eavesdropping" nodes, but they're mostly from days past, and these days we are trying to encourage stronger content. That said, feel free to submit this as a daylog if you
jessicapierce says like. The E2 Quick Start is worth a look - it will help you settle in.
Erik Fish says re things I've let strangers overhear: I didn't think it was a bad writeup.
geneva says deleted huh? lame.