While integrating my nodes, I was offered one choice of nodetype for the word "massacre". The choices are only ever offered when there are Duplicates Found: (hoi - following that hardlink gives a not-quite-right error message) - more than one node-or-nodelet of that name existing in the database. Presumably there is some hitherto unknown function on e2 named, possibly aptly, the "massacre." Frankly I hope never to find out firsthand what it can do.

Following discofever's addition of its metanode to the Page of Cool (my prior complaints today already forgotten and melted like mad butter), I've been tearing like the maniac madman I am to finish posting up all of the poems from Don Marquis' very funny, very poignant collection archy and mehitabel. Though I'm not quite done yet, I should be by the time you read this, at which point I'll extend congrats all around to Quizro, Heyoka, Girlotron and consumagenerica for helping me fill it out (and curse them for leaving all the really long and tedious ones for me to manually transcribe at this late hour 8). archy s life of mehitabel is up next, gang! I've already got a handful up, but this one is going to be almost pure transcription... no easy cut-and-posting for us this time around 8)

The west wall of my room is now trimmed neatly with correspondance from Everythingites. This is not an exceedingly great quantity of postcards (it is, after all, a Room of Very Little Volume) but when I ran out of room on the wall I had been sticking the mail to, I felt that this marked some sort of milestone. A Let's-Tell-Everybody commemmoration milestone! So, without further ado, I and the mail service extend profound thanks and appreciation to, in order of reception, pukesick (a postcard made form an airline emergency booklet), dorian (exposed as the mystery sender), dem bones, ailie (with her second-favorite poem), jet-poop (en espagnol!), segnbora-t, ideath (the levitating cat to date my favourite in the whole collection), bob the cow (w/SAT vocab card included at no extra charge!), ideath (again), icicle, NWC (two subliminal tapes), hoopy_frood, lillianvalencia, zari, dorian (again), spacklequeen (mix tape and issue of the 'zine Retina Soybean), dorian (again again), dialogue, spacklequeen (again, mix tape contents listing), and the group whore-card from spiregrain, dizzy, gnarl, heyoka and iain. Though the Everything Mailing Address Registry is no more, keeners can still find out my postal code and other mailing information at the Tabhouse node, where I live. (The house, dumbass, not the node.) Let's try to half the amount of time it takes to fill the next wall! (No particularly difficult feat since it's only about half as long...)

Note: Those familiar with me may find this post unusually, er, perky. I'm not actually all that keen on either day logs or even individual postcard reception - sure, I'll make 'em and take 'em, but typically nary an exclamation point will be involved, but making this entry allows me a brief respite from transcribing the remainder of archy and mehitabel. Oh my aching larval carpal tunnel syndrome...

in our last episode... | p_i-logs | and then, all of a sudden...