One of my friends described this meal as a “real yin-yang” meal. It doesn’t sound like much but try it and you’ll see what she meant. It’s one of the healthiest, tastiest and cheapest meals I’ve ever had, and not only is it vegetarian, it’s completely vegan. It has its origins in the mountains of North Lebanon where it’s often cooked during Lent (a Christian time of fasting during which many Lebanese people give up all meat and dairy products). It warms the soul and heart.

I’m not one to follow instructions or recipes, I usually go by taste, but here’s an attempt anyway.


200 grams brown lentils

1 cup rice

1 large onion

50 ml olive oil

1 tablespoon salt


½ cabbage

4 garlic cloves

50 ml olive oil

3 juicy lemons

1 tablespoon salt


Lentil Soup

Dice onion. Place in pot and cover in olive oil. Brown onion. Add lentils. Add about 500mls of water and salt. Boil for about 20 minutes and add washed rice. Cook for another 15 mins.

Cabbage salad

Chop cabbage really thinly. Crush garlic into a paste (hint: adding salt makes it easier). Add lemon juice and oil and mix it all in. May as well do it Lebanese style that is just use your hands.

Serve soup with a dollop of salad on top. Trust me, it’s great!