Day 6780 | Day 6797 | Day 6886

So I've become privy to the information that one of my friends was sexually assaulted a few months ago. Or at least that's what I've decided to call it. She prefers to call it "what could be considered sexual assault under other circumstances". I'm somewhat incredulous as to her view of what happened as it could have easily ended in rape. What's more, she's decided not to press charges and I'm one of the two people she's decided to tell. That's always a fun conversation to have.

I have no particular reason for noding this nor do I have any pretext that this factoid will be interesting to most people.

In other news, my list of Top 10 unfilled nodeshells:

  1. They have a trendy name for every different kind of fucked up.
  2. A devil sick of sin
  3. Does this smell like nerve gas to you?
  4. We knew the blubbering one in glasses would yield the most meat.
  5. Today is the last day of the rest of your life
  6. WARNING: Long term exposure to women has been known to cause bitterness and alcoholism during laboratory tests
  7. The legend of the three good ass whoopings by Nathaniel Carter
  8. The air full of ice and electricity, and then the sky went green and the air raid sirens went off
  9. Playing Cyrano for aphasia patients
  10. rusty feathers, wings of murky steel eaten clean by age