Since June 5, 2009, things have been looking up. This last weekend, in particular, has been kickass. I work four ten-hour shifts, Monday through Thursday, so my weekend lasts a bit longer. And that means it has more time to develop into something wonderful. It has.
Thursday night, I went out with a friend. We'd had it marked out for a few days, not knowing Michael Jackson would die that day. We hit Boundary Bay Brewery and Bistro, the local brewpub that kicks ass in eight different ways at a bare minimum. Listened to some jam band while enjoying their ESB, then headed to the bar area. Some Thriller zombies informed of us the plot of the evening - 11pm, two blocks up from where we were, be there. Some more beers were had and my friend chatted philosophical stuff with some random person. Went to another bar, then headed back to BBB&B to get a last beer before the dance. No dice on the beer - their Amarillo pale ale was gone and that's what I was after. Then we heard it: There was a stampede leaving the area, hundreds of people rushing to the dance. The intersection was blocked off, the cops were friendly (even with open containers everywhere and no permit on the event), the crowd was rambunctious and the dance was pulled off perfectly. After wandering through the crowd some more, we decided on some food and one last beer, then decided to find our ways home. There was some luck - a kiss.
Friday was bottling day! We bottled up the Weizen I'll be taking to HOT DAMN 6! Westward HO, as well as the remainder of the apple cider. Cooked some food, drank some beer, was generally lazy until a couple of friends from Seattle arrived. We talked til the night wore us down.
We got up and went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Grabbed some Erin Baker's Granola, some decent Greek food, a truffle (not at the market), had another beer at Boundary Bay, and ice cream at Mallard Ice Cream. Bellingham has a wonderful food selection. We wandered around a lot, before heading home and making some teriyaki dinner. They left, I meandered about and had a relaxing evening.
Today I drag raced. No, not the car type, the type where you race while in drag. On bikes. Turns out riding in a skirt is a total pain in the ass. The far edges get all stuck in the brakes and it kinda gets torn up. Mixte and stepthrough frames exist for a reason, too, but I was not lucky enough to have one. Later, I'm going to cook dinner and drink beer with a friend.
And all the while, there've been DOGS EVERYWHERE. Adorable puppies, silly teenager dogs, and grayhaired gentle giants. I loves me some dogs.
So maybe it was a little mundane, but I am genuinely happy about how this weekend has went. I feel less stressed, more relaxed, and glad that it has all went down as such. And I'm going to HOT DAMN 6 next weekend. How could I not be looking forward to that?