Wow.  I can hardly believe there's already a writeup about this...

The Magnum XL-200 of Cedar Point is by far my favorite roller coaster of all the ones I've been on, and I've been on a lot of them.

It was built in the eighties, and so it has the speed made possible by the newer metal coaster technology and the bumpiness of a minor earthquake because they hadn't quite perfected the technique yet.  I *like* the bumpiness, though--I really can't stand the extreme smoothness the newer roller coasters offer, especially the maglev kind of takes half the adventure out of it.

The track itself is also quite's got a whole lotta twist and turns, a couple of nifty tunnels, and it's also a loooong ride--probably three times the length of most of the newer rides.

While a lot of the roller coasters at Cedar Point are first-rate, the Magnum is the one that made a lasting impression on me.