It is a computer game made by Cavedog Entertainment. I have got Total Annihilation Kingdoms, this is a quite new version of the original. I think this game is fantastic, you get to control one of four armies. Two of these armies are a more traditional army with units like catapolts and archers. The other two teams are more fantasy with characters like bears that throw spears and also contain an element of magic.

The whole game is fantasy as you conjure up items like barracks to produce more units.

In this game you can attempt missions with the various teams which have objectives and can be compared to a kind of command and conquer game. As well as this you can make battles in different scenarios with up to 7 other teams, each team has a leader who is more powerful than most units, the game play and possibilities are endless on the fantastic game, i would recommend it to anyone.

There are loads of different units available in this game but no team has a real advantage over another as they are all good and one thing and bad at another, I think one of my favourite units to use is either a mage unit or a Harpy, both of these characters are able to control the minds of a few opponents units, which allows unavailable units to be on your side.

I understand that the original game is loved by everyone and so this version is a must for everyone, being a strategy, fighting and skill game makes it exciting for all computer game lovers.

Other units that enhance the game include dragons, witches and all kinds of weird creatures that could be imagined, Cavedog, the producers, deserve recognition and I recommend playing online for even better game play.

The cream on top of this game is that one of the stronger characters is what looks like a flying monkey, any game with a flying monkey gets my vote.