Title of a short story by Rudyard Kipling, originally published in The Phantom 'Rickshaw in 1888. Made into an excellent feature film in the 1970s, starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine. The story follows the (ostensibly fictional) exploits of two discharged British soldiers (otherwise known as "loafers") in nineteenth-century India who attempt, by dint of a cache of firearms, to establish themselves as kings in the remote area of Kafiristan.

This comes to mind as, at this very damn moment, there is a crew of workmen tearing off the roof of my building. Later this week they will be installing a new one. The noise is deafening. When I first heard the work begin at 7:30 this morning, I exclaimed, "God's Holy Trousers!" (something from the story that I've been trying to work into my vocabulary). If anyone has any idea how I can sue these individuals and recover for the pain and suffering they are already causing me, not to mention the loss of productive work time (did I mention that I'm on a deadline?), please let me know.