Well, I think I just might put what it says on the box here. I have an original box here, so I hope this is helpful. I will type these verbatim, so no complaining:
Technical Specifications:
- User Memory (RAM): 64K bytes
- Permanent Memory (ROM): 20K bytes
- Microprocessor: Commodore 6510 (6502 compatible)
- Keyboard: 66 key, full-stroke, four function keys. Character colors and PET graphics selectable directly from keyboard. Full cursor control.
- Display: 40 column by 25 line--16 text colors. Independent foreground and background colors. User programmable characters. 320 by 200 pixel high-resolution mode (16 colors available simultaneously). 256 independently movable display objects (21 x 24 pixels each), with up to 8 per line.
- Sound: 3 Independent voices, each with 9 octave range (.1Hz-4KHz in .059Hz steps). 4 waveforms (sawtooth, triangle, variable pulse, and noise). Programmable ADSR (Attack, Delay, Sustain, Release) envelope generator. Programmable filter, independently selectable for each voice (low pass, high pass, Band pass, notch outputs). Master volume control.
- Interfaces: 2 joysticks, 4 game paddles, light pen. Commodore cassette interface. Commodore serial bus. 8 bit user port. Built-in RF modulator. Direct audio and video outputs. Cartidge interface.
There are other things
on the box, but they are really