Wow. Eventful day. I woke up feeling ok. Came to work about 9:20. I'm currently working on a web-based child abuse records system, and we are in the debugging stage of the site pretty much, fixing and moving and deleting things as per orders of the clients. I can only do so much with my limited knowledge of PHP and MySql, so I'm pretty much helpless if I get stuck and my partner Jon (who knows his shit and is just cool anyway) isn't around.

So Jon was at a meeting today with the clients. I had nothing to really do before the meeting or during, but I had to leave early anyway to go to school to finish up my registration for the fall semester. So I'm pretty useless.

So I get to 2:00p when I need to leave (appointment for 3:00p), and I go to tell bossguy (not presidentguy; I know, confusing) I'm going and that I'll see him tomorrow. He acts surprised and like asks me why I'm not coming in after the school thing. I tell him because it'll take a while and I have to do a bunch of shit at school and I need to eat sometime in there too. Something totally unexpected comes next; he's like "you come up with a lot of excuses." I'm like shocked into not knowing what to say. bossguy is acting like I'm trying to skip work or something, and it's not like I don't like it here; I work until 6 or 7 every day. So I left depressed and feeling worthless and sad about my low-ass salary.

Had my appointment (a new excuse I could've gave bossguy was that the person I had the appointment showed up really really late) and the person I had it with (she's a good faculty friend of mine; just graduated herself with a focus on 3D sculpture; her shit is awesome) kinda went off on me when I was asking who taught a class (she's the only person in the department that would know). So I guess everybody's after Sarcasmo today.

I went to Usagi's house after that and had a gyro from Chicago Carry Out for the first time in like two months (I moved, they closed for vacation...) and it ruled. Usagi talked to me about things until I puked his words and we looked at the very very beginnings of junktext and we discussed his roommates and web design and Akira Kurosawa. Usual shit. Made me feel much much better.

After that I came back to work. argh. bossguy giving me shit for leaving is gone.


Now I go home. Me and adoxograph are going to play Magic and I think maybe eat Domino's.

All day people have been saying hi to me on the streets. It's been freaking me out a little. I mean, I miss the olden days, but it's kinda weird too. I say hi back because I do that, and walk on. Just an observation. Also, I noticed that my bank account is shrinking and that numbers mean nothing. Good day (I mean that as a note of farewell)...