A Neo-Nazi is a participant or member of the party of the same name. They are sometimes referred to as skinheads.

Neo-Nazis are perhaps misunderstood because people think the party is a new breed of Nazis. In fact, they are simply just a new generation. Generally they hold the same beliefs that Hitler and the original Nazi party held during the time period of World War II. They have not updated their standards nor changed the core of their system. They have split in to many different sub-groups though that represent different aspects of the party. These groups include the P2s, Committee for a Workers’ International, The New World Order, and the Kalifornia Righteous. This does not include the KKK, however similar the groups may be.

Neo-Nazis are firm believers in Aryanism, or the belief that whites are supreme over other races. As well, most still believe in the propaganda that Jews are to blame for most of societies problems. However, in certain mindsets, particularly those of the U.S. Neo-Nazi leaders, blame has shifted from the Jews to the African Americans and Hispanics.

The Neo-Nazis are mostly concentrated in Europe, in countries such as Germany, Denmark, Italy, and Sweden. They have also established large chapters in the U.K. and the U.S. In the U.S. the Neo-Nazi are treated more like a gang rather than a political party. Most Neo-Nazi chapters in the U.S. are based out of California (Often Neo-Nazis refer to the state as “Kalifornia”)

The Neo-Nazis are often regarded as a terrorist group in the modern world. They are continually becoming less politically active and more based on the violent acts of their militias. Common Neo-Nazi crimes include but are not limited to destroying property of non-white classes; beatings, rapes, and murders of non-whites, and other violent acts towards the people they consider to be the lesser. Many of the U.S.’s school shooters have been considered Neo-Nazis, i.e. Columbine and Red Lake.

A typical Neo-Nazi can be identified as a young white male, wearing tight jeans, tight white t-shirts, and white laces in black combat boots. Often they brand themselves with tattoos of the swastika and shave their heads, thus the name skinhead. They are also characteristically heavy drinkers. However, you must consider these are stereotypes and not all skinheads fit this description, nor are all people who fit this description skinheads.


The writings of George Lincoln Rockwell

Resisting Hitler by Shareen Blair Brysac


A great movie to watch on the subject is American History X