you said "Hello. You are an editor, so I shall annoy you. I believe that there are way too many good daylogs today, and feel that they should be crippled by my shit daylog at the end. So, please check my Scratch Pad to make sure that it's bad enough to ruin the node, but good enough not to get nuked. Thanks!" to censored to protect the innocent (sent to 1 noder)

I went to the department store today, with the intention to buy some clothes along with electronics. So the clothes are in the way before the electronics if you're not in a hurry and... Wow. Suddenly, I realize I'm in the middle of some kind of a sick clone army. Hiding between the lines of annoyingly textured ziphoods and striped shirts, I notice that I'm at their very spawn. Here they come, pick up a couple of these and... They are transformed. I won't even go to the harsher forms. I quickly take a look at myself. I haven't grabbed anything, have I? I have...

Cargo pants (They fit me!), a black shirt (No logos!) and a faux army jacket (Because the real ones aren't that comfortable, you know!). Would they rip me apart if I stepped out of the alley? I wasn't sure. Slowly, I took a few steps, looking as inconspicuous as I could, slowly speeding up and walking to a more casual overcoat, I looked around. Quickly grabbing it, I march to a mirror. Get a new one that fits me better. Change back to my original clothes and swiftly move to the electronics side. Survived... This time.

This has been an experiment in "get the courage to post a writeup without consulting an editor first". Obviously, I did not succeed.